WDB Resultants

Solution-based consultants focused on measurable and tangible economic and social transformation.  We facilitate, support, organize and mobilize communities through engagement, education, and empowerment to:

  • Create thriving and prosperous African-American communities and networks.

  • Rebuild high potential, highly distressed neighborhoods including culturally and historically significant districts.

  • Build city-wide coalitions to strategically address specific challenges and utilize on community assets through planning, collaboration, alignment and strategic investments.

Our Approach:  

We use a comprehensive, community-based, collaborative change model led by African-Americans and partnering equally with others who believe in equity and shared decision-making.  The team focuses on community engagement, solutions, and measurable results.

The Team:

Willie D. Barney
President – WDB Resultants
President – SMB Enterprises/Co-Publisher of Revive! Omaha
Founder, President, and Facilitator – Empowerment Network
Leadership; Collaboration; Facilitation; Data & Trends; Vision; Solutions & Results

Yolanda M. Barney
Vice-President – WDB Resultants
Vice-President – SMB Enterprises/Co-Publisher of Revive! Omaha 
Small Business Development; Media and Marketing

Additional consultants, resultants, and strategists are available for a variety of topics.